Mystery of Crowning (Marriage)
The Mystery of Crowning is the rite that blesses Christian Marriage. Just as priests, prophets, and kings were crowned in the Old Testament, Christian couples are crowned in the ritual action of marriage to demonstrate the special vocation of married life and the sacrificial mission of being a spouse.
The Mystery of Crowning establishes the foundation of family life, thereby rooting it in the life of the Church. Because the family is the "domestic Church" and the chief means by which people are evangelized the Church values the Mystery of Crowning among her most sacred rites.
Timeline for Marriage Preparation
At least 6 months before your planned date, contact Saint George Church for an appointment with the priest. The priest will schedule a date that is convenient for you and the parish and discuss the preparations which will include a Pre-Cana Conference and three meetings with the priest prior to the wedding.
Do not make a deposit on a venue (social hall) before the date is confirmed in the parish calendar.
You will be asked to participate in three marriage preparation sessions with the priest prior to the wedding.
Since you are preparing yourself to receive the sacrament of marriage from the Church, you should commit yourself to regular attendance at the Divine Liturgy.
Obtain your marriage license within 60 days prior to the wedding date.
Bring it with you to the rehearsal. The priest cannot perform the wedding ceremony without it.
Please be punctual for the rehearsal. All participants in the ceremony should attend. Bring wedding programs to the rehearsal.
Prior to the wedding, Catholics should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Preparation for Marriage
Step One
If you have a possible date for your wedding, please call the rectory to arrange a meeting with the pastor.
Weddings cannot be celebrated during Lent, Passion Week, Easter or Christmas.
Weddings during the Lenten season are not celebrated under any circumstances.
Ordinarily weddings are celebrated on Saturdays at 1:00 p.m. In exceptional cases, other times that are mutually convenient for the parish and the parties can be celebrated.
Rehearsals for weddings that take place on Saturday will be scheduled on Friday evenings. The allotted time for your rehearsal is one (1) hour. We request that you and your party be on-time; otherwise your rehearsal time will be diminished.
Step Two
The pastor will meet with you in order to begin your formal preparation and will walk you through some required diocesan paperwork requested by the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn.
Be aware that you should submit a copy of each person’s baptismal certificates, issued by the church of baptism within 6 months of beginning your preparation for marriage. The copy must have the raised seal of the church.
Step Three
Pre-Cana preparation is required for Catholic marriages. Information on dates, times and locations of Pre-Cana Conferences will be available from the pastor.
Planning your Wedding Ceremony
The wedding can be celebrated with or without the celebration of the Eucharist.
In the Maronite Tradition, weddings are not typically celebrated during the Divine Liturgy.
Sacred music is required at weddings. Sacred Music facilitates the prayerful participation of family and friends in the liturgy. Music with secular lyrics is not permitted. The pastor and organist will assist you in the planning of the prelude and postlude music. You are responsible for contacting the organist at Saint George Church to coordinate.
Scripture Readers
Family or friends are welcome to participate as readers within the liturgy. Readers should attend the rehearsal to familiarize themselves with the microphone, the lectionary, and the layout of the church.
Visiting Clergy
Visiting Catholic priests or deacons are welcome to participate in your wedding. A letter of “suitability of ministry” is required if they wish to concelebrate. They must request permission from the pastor. Protestant ministers may attend the wedding service.
We ask couples to keep their flowers and decorations tasteful and simple to keep the focus on the Mystery. Flowers may be delivered on your wedding day one hour before the ceremony begins. You will receive a guide for you and your florist outlining some of our policies. Please give a copy of this guide to your florist when you make your arrangements.
Photography and Videography
We welcome photographers and/or videographers, as they are a part of any wedding. You will receive a guide for you and your photographer, outlining some of our policies on still and video photography - these policies are nonnegotiable and must be observed by all photo/videographers. Please give a copy of this guide to your photographer/videographer when you make your arrangements.
Timely Arrival
It is important that the wedding start on time. Besides the risk of running into other scheduled liturgies or events, it could preclude you from having time for photographs in the church after the service.
Required Documents
A recently-issued certificate of baptism bearing the raised seal of the church must be obtained from the church in which you were baptized. is can be accomplished by calling or writing to the parish of record.PRIOR MARRIAGE DOCUMENTATION
If either party has previously been married, the necessary documents must be obtained to determine one’s freedom to marry in the Church.OTHER DOCUMENTS
Official church forms, which must be filled out and signed in the presence of the priest, will be explained and provided by the cleric who is directing your marriage preparation.MARRIAGE PREPARATION CERTIFICATE
A certificate indicating that you have completed a marriage Pre-Cana program should be given to the priest who is preparing you for marriage.CIVIL REQUIREMENTS
The priest is not permitted to perform the ceremony without the marriage license in hand. It should be issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Bring it with you to the rehearsal.